This mom loves to cook

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Hello! I'm Deirdre and I'm a stay at home mom to two boys. Cooking for a 6 and 4 year old- day in and day out can be the best job in the world, also the most frustrating. Trying to create not only kid friendly but husband and mom friendly meals is a challenge that I've readily accepted! My Foodie Mom blog is a record of the different recipes that I've tried in the kitchen, pictures of my ventures, and cool tricks I've picked up along the way. Cheers!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Salami, Provolone and Banana Pepper Stromboli

I love making stromboli's and pizza's at home. So easy and you can pretty much do any combination of ingredients you want to, or have on hand. I saw this a bunch of times floating around on Pinterest and finally decided to go for it.


  • 1 ball of pizza dough (I get the pre made kind- so easy)
  • 25 slices of salami
  • 15 slices of provolone cheese
  • 1/4- 1/2 cup of banana peppers
  • italian seasoning
  • garlic powder
Preheat oven to 425. Roll out pizza dough, arrange cheese on bottom- then salami- then banana peppers. 

Carefully roll, tucking in sides as you go. Sprinkle with garlic powder and italian seasoning. Place on pizza pan or cookie sheet.

 Bake 25-30 minutes, or until golden brown. Serve with marinara sauce.

We had our stromboli with some sautéed veggies. The combination of this all together was just great. Your really can't go wrong with italian meats, cheese and bread. So awesome. Side note- if you're using a pizza pan with holes to bake- put a cookie sheet the next rack down, because the salami, pepper juice peaked out and spilt into the bottom of my oven. oops. Cheers!

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