Monday, November 9, 2015

Angry Orchard Steamers


Made some steamers with white wine a few weeks ago, and while those were really good. I think these steamers were way better. Something about cooking them with the hard apple cider. The broth was absolutely to die for. As I'm tying this I'm getting really excited, because I'm actually making these again tonight. Woo hoo!

  • 1-2 bags of little neck steamers
  • lemon slices
  • 1/4 diced onion
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 1 bottle of Angry Orchard hard cider
Place steamers into a large bowl. Cover with cold water.

Let soak for at least 30 minutes, 
then give them a good rinse off- to get all of the sand out.

Discard any with cracked or broken shells.

In a large sauté pan melt the butter over medium high heat, 
then sauté the onions until softened. 

Throw the steamers in the pan, then pour the angry orchard over them.

Toss in a few lemon slices. 

Cover and let cook for 5 minutes. Give a little shake- open the cover and make sure they are all opening. 

Cover and let simmer for another 5 minutes until they have all opened up. 

Serve with crusty bread. 

Seafood is something that I've been craving a lot lately. It's been totally worth it to learn how to cook things like this at home, so I can make it for myself whenever the mood strikes. Cheers!

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