Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Fried Green Tomatoes

Last night we got a bunch of goodies from our neighbors garden. Including a whole bunch of green tomatoes. We figured we'd just let them ripen on the window sill gradually. Since we had these green beauties right now, I wanted to utilize them asap. So I figured I'd try a batch of fried green tomatoes. They were awesome! My only regret was not making some sort of dipping sauce to go with it. We used the marinara sauce I had made already for dinner- and they were amazing just the same. I'm just happy I got to try this out with tomatoes right from the garden.

  • green tomatoes, sliced a little on the thick side
  • flour
  • eggs
  • milk 
  • breadcrumbs
  • paprika
  • cayenne pepper
  • salt
  • pepper
  • oil for frying (I used veggie oil)
Set up a breading station with 3 shallow dished. The first with some flour, salt and pepper. The next with a few eggs and a dash of milk, beat the eggs and milk together. Finally some breadcrumbs with the cayenne and paprika to taste. I know the measurements sound pretty vague, but I usually just eyeball it when it comes to breading things.

Heat enough oil in skillet to cover the bottom, over medium high heat. Dip each tomato slice in flour, then egg, then breadcrumbs. Once the oil is hot enough (it will sizzle when you place the tomato in), fry the tomatoes for about 3 minutes on each side. Cook until golden brown, and do not over crowd the pan. Place the fried tomatoes on a plate lined with paper towels to soak up excess oil. 

I'm so happy I had the opportunity to try this out. Although, if I ever get the chance again I will probably try to made some sort of sauce for them. Like I said above though, they were delicious just by themselves. Cheers!

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