Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Eggplant Parmesan

I've been dying for some eggplant, and I found a really nice looking one at the store yesterday- So I knew I wanted to use it up quickly! Just did a really standard breading on them, and fried them up.

  • eggplant cut into medium thickness slices
  • flour
  • salt and pepper
  • eggs
  • milk
  • bread crumbs
  • italian seasoning 
  • oil for frying (I used veggie oil)
Set up a breading station in 3 shallow dishes. First some flour with salt and pepper. Then a few eggs beaten with a little milk. Lastly, some bread crumbs seasoned with italian seasoning. Like I said in my last post (Fried Green Tomatoes), I usually just eye ball the measurements when I bread things. Heat some veggie oil in a large skillet. Bread the eggplant with the flour, then eggs, then bread crumbs. Once the oil starts to sizzle- add the eggplant and fry for about 3 minutes on each side until golden brown. Set aside on a plate with paper towels to get extra oil off the eggplant. 

Fried eggplant is just delicious, end of story. Such a treat to have this tonight. Served this lovely eggplant with a really simple red sauce, and wheat angel hair pasta. Perfecto! Cheers!

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