Friday, September 18, 2015

Avocado, Bacon and Egg Breakfast Sandwich


I made this beautiful creation for the whole fam damily this morning, and they were a huge hit! So decadent and filling though. The kids could barely finish half, which was understandable. Mike and I could barely finish ours but we persevered. It was totally worth it. Something about bacon, egg and avocado. Its a winning combination.

Makes 4 sandwiches
  • 4 toasted everything bagels
  • 8 slices of bacon
  • 4 fried eggs
  • 1 avocado sliced
  • 4 slices of american cheese
Build your sandwich on top of the toasted everything bagel. 
Egg, cheese, bacon then sliced avocado.
ENJOY. I know you will. 

What can I say. This is the breakfast sandwich of champions. I'm going to call it the Mumma sandwich from now on. Cheers!

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