Monday, August 10, 2015

Chicken and Broccoli Teriyaki Lo Mien

I made this a few days ago, and it was literally just a "throw together meal"- but it was so friggen good! I plan on trying this again with tofu instead of chicken to make a meatless monday meal soon. 

  • 2 Knorr Teriyaki Lo Mein sides packages ( I get these for $1 each at my local store)
  • 3 cups broccoli 
  • 3 tablespoons butter
  • 2 cups cooked chicken chopped
  • 1/4- 1/2 cup your choice of teriyaki sauce (depends how saucy you like it)

Make the teriyaki noodles according to directions. While those are cooking, throw your butter into a large skillet. Melt over medium high heat then throw the broccoli in there to steam. Stir occasionally you may have to add a little more butter or liquid to help it. 

Once broccoli is steamed and is a bright green, add in the chicken and 
cooked noodles. Stir in teriyaki sauce as needed. 

The kids went crazy for this, and I've been experimenting with variations since I originally made this bowl of goodness. So more Lo Mien blog posts sure to follow. Cheers!

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